Hello Greta. Today i speak english. Not to much because iam not so good at english. But i need to tell you. I´m the new Blog Queen, you can call me Farravella

A sexy name from Italia. Made with humor.
Farravella means - a kristen girl. I belive in God, he is good.
But Farravella is real hot because Italia is a hot country.

Look at me, iam so famous, so big, so framgongsrich.

Fan bloggen, drömde lite där, Usch. Men det är så jag vill. Kalla mig Faravella, dock är resten dagdrömmande...

Iallafall, vill meddela bloggen att på Måndag/monday/montag, åker jag till Stockholm with my wife, (fan drömde igen) Med min vän Elin :) Vi ska shoppa, and spend a lot of money, because we are famous.. We gonna take a lot of photos and picture it here, on you Greta.

Kiss my little ponys


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